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How to Import Drawing Template in Solidworks TUTORIAL

Every visitor that is new to SOLIDWORKS has like issues to tackle when they are commencement getting started with the software. Hither are some of the most common questions we receive from clients:

  • "How tin I utilize my legacy CAD data in this new plan?"
  • "How can I get my engineers started in designing as soon every bit possible?"
  • "How can I create a drawing that contains my visitor'due south specific title cake and automatically adheres to our standards?"  

SOLIDWORKS comes with a number of generic out-of-the-box championship blocks that tin can be tweaked and customized to whatsoever new client's liking. Nevertheless, if you already have a specific format that you like your drawings to follow, at that place are other ways to employ that information in setting up your SOLIDWORKS  Drawing Templates . This is especially useful if you already accept drawings saved in a DXF or DWG file format.

This is something that is adequately piece of cake to do, but information technology requires a little groundwork information in gild to fully understand the approach ane should have. The first important distinction to make is the difference between a D rawing Template  and a S heet Format  in SOLIDWORKS .

Cartoon Templates

Your Drawing Template, much similar your Part and Assembly templates, is the specific prepare of standards used in cartoon and dimensioning your office. The answers to questions such as "What default font is used?" , "How many decimal places are used?" , and "What do my leaders await like?"  are all specified in your Document Properties. To set up your Document Properties for a drawing, open a drawing and become to Tools > Options, and switch to the Document Properties tab. When all options are set to your liking, you lot tin can save these backdrop into a drawing template  that can be accessed whenever a new cartoon is started. To relieve a drawing template, simply go to File > Save As and modify the file format from Drawing (. slddrw ) to Cartoon Template (. drwdot ).

SOLIDWORKS Drawing Template | solidworks change drawing template

Other than the settings found nether Certificate Properties, at that place are certain sheet properties that can exist saved to your Drawing Template. You can access these properties past right clicking anywhere in the bare space of a drawing and choosing Properties. Your Sheet Backdrop dialogue contains information such as the default view scale and whether you are using showtime or tertiary angle projection. It likewise contains the link to your  S heet Format .

How to change SOLIDWORKS drawing template

Sheet Formats

Your Sheet Format represents the physical piece of paper that the drawing is placed on, including canvas size, border and title block data. Because many times a specific Sheet Format is saved into a Drawing Template, many people aren't entirely sure of the departure. Even so, they are indeed two entirely different things.

Sheet Formats are edited by right clicking anywhere in the bare space of a drawing and choosing "Edit Sheet Format". You may discover that you are at present able to click and drag whatsoever lines that are non fixed in place (these are substantially sketch lines). Y'all tin can motility, add together or take abroad lines, add images such every bit a visitor logo and also edit the notes that are part of the sheet format, including the ones that state role nam e, part number, revision number etc.

When you are finished adjusting your Sheet Format, you can right-click once more in whatever blank space on the cartoon and cull "Edit Sheet", which volition render you to the regular drawing environment. Your championship block and border will no longer be editable. In order to salve your customized sheet format you tin can become to the file menu, merely instead of choosing "Salve" or "Save Equally… ", you should select "Save Canvas Format". This will save this Sail Format every bit a . slddrt file. This sail format can now be accessed by multiple different cartoon templates.

solidworks drawing title block

Sheet formats can also leverage file properties from your part and assembly models to automobile-populate fields for the title block, such as Part Number, Clarification and Material, making them very useful when prepare correctly. If yous practise non wish to start from scratch or use one of the standard sail formats included in your SOLIDWORKS installation, another option is to import a title block from a DXF or DWG file. This allows you to reuse original 2nd drawing data and apace configure drawings tailored to your specific needs.

For more data on templates in SOLIDWORKS, view our four-office webinar series, SOLIDWORKS Templates 101.


How to Import Drawing Template in Solidworks TUTORIAL

Posted by: dawnrathany.blogspot.com

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