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How to Draw Percy Jackson Step by Step TUTORIAL

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Do y'all want to create your demigod true to the Percy Jackson series? Thinking of getting a cool character for your fanfiction? Create your demigod grapheme inspired past the serial by following the suggestions in this article.

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  1. ane

    Research a particular god or goddess as your starting point. You lot can choose any, from Zeus to Priapus to Thalia. Detect out all yous tin can most the god. But continue in mind which ones are famous for not having demigod kids (ex. Hestia, Hera, or Artemis).

  2. 2

    Don't worry if they're virgin or already in a relationship. Peradventure Persephone's children can exist born from flowers. The possibilities are countless and y'all can continue calculation to and designing your character for every bit long as you lot like.


  3. 3

    Get in-depth into your character. Work out when they were born, how they got to Camp Half-Blood or Campsite Jupiter. It's of import to understand them completely, including all their flaws and relationships.

  4. 4

    Depict up a rough copy of your demigod. This includes sketching out how they wait, what they wear, and peculiarly facial expressions. This allows you to picture the graphic symbol better. Moreover, if you're adding them into a story, it'll be easier to explicate how they look.

  5. 5

    Select an enemy for your graphic symbol. Each demigod has the worst enemy equivalent, such every bit Luke, Kronos, and even Gaia, so start to gather up the characters and work out which one would exist their worst enemy. This enemy could also shape your character, maybe they acquired a wound or killed someone they loved. This adds result and makes your character more interesting.

  6. 6

    Choose a weapon for your character. Every demigod has a weapon, even if it's a bucket. Maybe their weapon is cursed or used to be used by a famous hero (for example, Hercules). Their weapon doesn't have to be enchanted at all, mayhap they just utilise their powers, such as water, or whatever powers they accept that are related to their godly parent. Then again, information technology could just be a pocketknife that doesn't need to be enchanted.

  7. vii

    Don't hesitate to make your demigod different from their parent. Hades' children don't have to be all gloomy; try making them happy, this style your character is different from the others. Sometimes making them like their parents is useful though, such as using Hermes' craziness or Hecate's weirdness.

  8. 8

    Go on developing the demigod character. Go on in listen what is in actual Greek or Roman mythology, and what is in the books. Also, researching a bit before or during making a character could make a more interesting graphic symbol.


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  • Question

    Is it bad that my character who turns into a goddess should be a little overpowered?

    Community Answer

    Information technology is not recommended to turn a graphic symbol into a Gary Stue or a Mary Sue. If your graphic symbol is a piddling overpowered, it'southward better if you give her a serious weakness, dark underground, bad mental attitude or something along the lines of those to balance it out. If your character turns into a goddess, there better be a skilful reason why they turn into one, which includes, merely is not limited to hardships, troubles, and such.

  • Question

    Is it okay if my character is damaged?

    Community Answer

    Yes, equally long equally she has a reason to exist.

  • Question

    Can my character accept a beau/girlfriend?

    Community Answer

    Yep, they don't have to but they can. Just create a back story for them as well.

  • Question

    Could someone list a couple of major villans that haven't been defeated or seen much in the Percy Jackson serial?



    Customs Answer

    All monsters come up back from Tartarus eventually, so y'all could do basically anyone (too the titans and the giants, those were permanently defeated).

  • Question

    Is it okay if my hero used to be immortal?



    Community Answer

    I don't see why not. Information technology seems similar a unique idea. Make certain to explain why/how they became mortal, though.

  • Question

    Can my demigod be a Hunter of Artemis?

    Mafe Soares

    Mafe Soares

    Community Answer

    Sure, after all, it is mentioned in the books that any girl can be a Huntress, whether they are mortal, demigod, or even a nymph. Just call up that they make a vow to Artemis to swear off boys and romantic relationships (so no lesbian couples, unfortunately).

  • Question

    Can Selene exist used as my grapheme'due south parent?

    Mafe Soares

    Mafe Soares

    Customs Answer

    Yes, I don't see why not, since she's not a virgin goddess and belongs to Greek mythology.

  • Question

    Can my character exist a child of Minerva (Roman version of Athena)?

    Community Answer

    No, as the Romans saw that a chld of Athena was a disgrace, and Athena hated her Roman course.

  • Question

    Is it okay if my demigod is a kid of Eros?

    Community Answer

    I don't see why non. He is the god of dear subsequently all, then information technology is likely that he might autumn in beloved with a mortal.

  • Question

    Can my demigoddess actually be the child of 2 demigods?



    Customs Answer

    Certain! They just wouldn't be a direct child of a god. They would be a legacy, similar Frank is a legacy of Neptune.

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  • Don't be afraid if they're too quirky; some demigods are meant to be like that.

  • Have your character stand out from the others! Whether by personality, powers, or the godly parent.

  • Brand sure you add together flaws to your demigod that may significantly affect their decisions.

  • In book four of the start series, Annabeth said that Athena was a virgin goddess, only she links minds with her lovers to create their kid(ren). Y'all could use this if you accept a character that is a kid of Athena.

  • Make sure your grapheme is tied to Roman or Greek beliefs. Don't branch too far out although your character tin can accept a godly parent out of one of the less popular gods and goddesses.

  • If you like, make it a one-half Greek or Roman mythical creatures, such as Cyclops, Centaur, Pegasus, or Hydra. That can make your OC looking cool and get more fans to like it.

  • Don't be afraid to be creative and have your characters appointment or be friends with original characters from the serial.

  • Don't make kids of virgin goddesses or else your OC will exist shunned (due east.x. Hestia, Artemis, or Minerva).

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  • Never create a Mary Sue or a Gary Stu (a perfect character with no flaws at all, and is perfect at everything.)

  • Do non copy others; your ideas are merely equally keen.


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How to Draw Percy Jackson Step by Step TUTORIAL

Posted by: dawnrathany.blogspot.com

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